"The Professional Choice"

Awning Company in Burlington County, NJ

When you’re hard at work trying to find the perfect enhancements and additions for your Burlington, NJ home, an awning is something to consider! Awnings are a great way to increase the financial, aesthetic, and utility value of your home. We offer a wide range of solutions to help you add shade to your outdoor space, improve the curb appeal of your home, and more. Get in touch with our company today for a customized solution!

Why Install a Retractable Awning?

Retractable awnings are a popular choice for homeowners in Burlington, NJ for a few reasons. If you live in the area, you know how hot it can get in the summer months! Retractable awnings give you the flexibility to control the amount of sunlight that floods your outdoor space. All you have to do is extend the awning when you want more shade, or retract it to enjoy the sunshine! 

Retractable awnings in Ocean County, NJ, another area that sees many hot summer days, help to reduce energy costs by increasing the amount of shade around your property and minimizing the sunlight that enters through windows and doors. Because of this, you can keep your home at a comfortable temperature without relying solely on your air conditioner. 

Awning Customizable Options

Awnings are quite versatile, and our company in Burlington, NJ can satisfy a wide variety of tastes and needs. Awning customization can look different depending on your goals, and we’re here to help you find your perfect solution. 

Our wide range of awnings is available in different patterns, colors, and textures. They’re made from durable materials to ensure they can withstand the different types of weather we see in Burlington, NJ. You can also opt for a metal awning if you’re looking for a more permanent installation or to match your specific style. 

We also provide the option between motorized and manual awnings depending on your budget and preferences. Motorized awnings offer unrivaled convenience as they can be retracted or extended with the touch of a button or flip of a switch. They can also come with weather sensors that automatically retract or extend the awning based on the weather conditions. Manual awnings are the more cost-effective option, but they’re still convenient and easy to use. Most come with a simple hand crank that homeowners can use to adjust the lighting coverage.  

How To Maintain Your Awning

Awnings, like any part of your house, require some maintenance. If you use a retractable awning, the one thing you want to ensure you do is keep it retracted when it’s not in use. Despite being made from durable materials, it’s going to be more vulnerable to damage when it’s extended during severe weather. 

Of course, maintaining your Burlington, NJ awning is more than just making sure it doesn’t get damaged. Since it has aesthetic value, you want to make sure to keep it looking great. The best way to do this is to make sure that you sweep any dirt or debris off that may have accumulated while it was extended. 

If you’re interested in a new awning or even a garage door installation in Burlington, NJ, you’ve come to the right place. Elmer Door & Exteriors is the best company in the area, so if you want to get started, just contact us online today!